N.B., the following press release about an upcoming speaker at St. Thomas Church , of which I am the Vicar, may be of interest. We'd love to have you join us. -- DC+)
Former Missionary to France to Speak at St. Thomas Church, Moncks Corner
Dianne and the Rev'd Canon William "Bill" Jerdan
The Rev'd Canon William S. Jerdan, Executive Secretary of the Reformed Episcopal Board of Foreign Missions, will preach at St. Thomas
Church, a Reformed Episcopal parish of the Anglican Church in North America, on September 16 at 11am. St. Thomas Church is located at 668
Murraysville Road in Moncks Corner.
Canon Jerdan is no stranger to the South Carolina Lowcountry as his
father, the late Rt. Rev. William H.S. Jerdan, came to South Carolina
in 1958 to oversee what was then known as the Southern Missionary
Jurisdiction of the Reformed Episcopal Church and led in its
organization as the Diocese of the Southeast in 1973; Bishop Jerdan
later served as Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church
from 1987 to 1990. Canon Jerdan is a graduate of Wheaton College
(Illinois) and Reformed Episcopal Seminary. Following pastoral
ministry in Pennsylvania he and his wife Dianne went to France as
missionaries in 1972 where he worked in church planting with the
Evangelical Reformed Protestant Church of France, founding four
congregations before returning to the United States in 2009. In
conjunction with his current work with the Board of Foreign Missions,
the Jerdans participate in missionary work in countries as diverse as
Germany, Croatia, West Africa, Cambodia, and Nepal. They have four grown
children and a number of grandchildren.
more information, contact the Rev'd Charles A. Collins, Jr., Vicar of
St. Thomas, at (843) 608-1796 or visit the parish website at: